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Long beach in a sentence

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Sentence count:32Posted:2020-11-08Updated:2020-11-08
Similar words: long beforehoming beaconmung beanwingbeatstring beanstrong beliefsleeping beautylongbowMeaning: n. a city in southern California located on 8.5 miles of Pacific beachfront; was a resort until oil was discovered in 1921. 
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31. The rail line only runs between the Long Beach hotel area and the city centre.
32. Compton: a city of southern California, a residential and industrial suburb between Los angeles and Long Beach.
More similar words: long beforehoming beaconmung beanwingbeatstring beanstrong beliefsleeping beautylongbowlong bonelong billlongboatbeachbeachybeachedbeachballbeach ballbe alongbeachwearbeachheadon the beachbeach housebeachfrontbeachcomberbeach towelbeach chairmiami beachbeach-comberbeach erosionlong long agospring bed
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